It's these kinds of disasters that keep us all aware that every household should be prepared. I finally got my old tool box cleaned, painted and filled so we now have a better first aid kit. I gathered together all the different first aid stuff from around the house and put it all in one specialized kit for us. I keep this in the basement, as it is cooler the sprays, pills and ointments will last longer.
The toolbox affords more room to add more items for a better first aid kit than you can find at stores. I even have the American Red Cross First Aid book in the bottom of the box. It's rugged, it's portable and if we have to evacuate I can grab it quickly.
September is National Preparedness month....are you prepared for a disaster? Don't wait until something happens, start today!
On a brighter keep my mind and hands busy yesterday, I played around with some acrylic ink and paints and came up with this lovely Nebula.