A Safer Place This is a fantasy place that just emerged from a pour using lace. It just worked. It has a lot of depth to it and I love the color and texture.
I have always marvelled at which pieces become my favorites and stay with me. I produce a lot of art and there is no way I can show it all in my home. I do like to live with my art but I also like to collect my friend's art too. It seems that no matter how old they get or even how many flaws I have found in them, my favorites seem to stay with me. When we are talking about our own art there can be many different reasons for this. Sometimes it may be how we felt that day, who was with us and what happened on that adventure. It could be the colors or the textures that speak to us.. It could be an object that was dear. It could be what someone said about it. It could be that it got into a juried art show. There are many reasons for why pieces become our favorites. For me it is never because it matches my sofa! LOL
Do you have favorites? Have you have wondered what it was about them that spoke to you?
Above are a few photos of earlier and later work that live in symbiotic harmony with me.
For more on this see my blog, Plethora of Color at http://www.lenall.blogspot.com/
Thanks, Lenall, for sharing some of your art. Your pieces are so colorful and vibrant and it was fun reading about your influences.
I can understand why you like the Shell Vase, Lenall. It is so colorful and has so much movement in it. I almost got lost in the painting myself. I have enjoyed all your pieces that you've shared with us.
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