Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Prayer Flag for the Newtown, Conn Families

Artist, Lieghanna Light has put out a Call to Artists this past week for Prayer Flags to be made in honor of the Newtown Familes who lost their children.  Here is my version.  The crazy quilt motif seems to be a good metaphor for me.  I believe that our lives sometimes are held together by mere threads.  It's the people who love us that help keep us together over all.  Life is crazy some times.  It might seem that there is no rhyme or reason to what happens around us.  Life is one big jigsaw puzzle to be but back together pices by piece.  Here is one pice of love to help put them back together.

My good friend, Ross from Hawaii wrote me this:
I've been back to Facebook to look at your flag several times now. I'm captivated by the buttons and the symbolism they represent. My thought is that they represent the great forces in our lives where we find support-such as family, friends or other things we turn to in times of need (writing, creating art, or cooking, for example). So even as the stitching becomes loose and our lives start to fray, the button is there and can be hung onto to help prevent everything from unraveling completely.

Anyway, I really love your contribution, which should come as no surprise to you because I really love you too!

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