Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Anyone like Birds? Doesn't Everybody? by Lenall Siebenaler

This weekend I wanted to sit down and do some collage pieces that might be sister pieces to two collages I did four years ago of Portland.  Here's my very popular card:
It's oftentimes interesting to see where one starts and where the muse takes you.  Here's what I ended up with...

Bird Bath?, I

Bird Nest at Sunrise

Bird Nest at Eveningtide

Bird Nest at Sunset

Bird Bath?, II

One might ask, "What happened?"


1 comment:

LouiseB said...

Hello Lenall,
I enjoying veiwing the collectives blog and seeing everyones art.
Your little birds are very sweet.
I also enjoyed seeing the picture of you and your kitty cat as well as the watercolor.
I was very interested in your profile and your background in fiber arts. I am impressed with how multi talented artists can be.
Take care,