Monday, June 13, 2011

Michael de Meng weekend workshops

"Pretty Vial Things" - Vial created by Jennifer Campbell using techniques learned in the class.

I took three fantastic Michael de Meng workshops over the last several days. Collage on Alberta in Portland was the site of the fun. I always learn so much in Michael's workshops and all of the laughter throughout is a plus. Inspiration was provided by the techniques we learned from Michael, the projects we watched each other create and especially the critiques at the end of each class.

"Cold-blooded Journal"
I used Apoxie Clay and KromaCrackle along with Golden paints.

Name of the class was "Dr. X-Ray's Portrait"

My piece was created using the interior of a vintage camera, antique lace with gold threads, and a transparency using one of the techniques taught by Michael in the workshop.

Jennifer Campbell


Z'anne said...

Fabulous, Jennifer! It looks like you had a great time in his classes. Can't wait to see these pieces in person! :0) LOVE the "Cold-blooded Journal"!

Suzanne Reynolds said...

Jennifer, I think you and Michael DeMeng must on the same wave length. Your pieces are wonderful! The x-ray portrait is my favorite.